Low-Dimensional Chemistry

Towards biologically inspired design

An EPSRC Programme Grant

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Our goal is to discover biologically-inspired engineering design principles. We will build functioning biochemical devices with reduced dimensionality taking inspiration from natural systems.

By deconstructing and reconstructing biology we aim to recreate the bacterial photosynthetic pathway on a chip. To achieve this we will develop new scientific tools, bringing together researchers from biology, chemistry and physics.

Our goal is to discover the principles that underpin the extraordinary efficiency of photosynthetic processes and to use them to design new, efficient devices for solar energy capture.

We are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for generous funding for our research programme. For more information, contact Professor Graham J Leggett: graham.leggett@sheffield.ac.uk.

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University of Leeds - Partner
The University of Sheffield - Partner